Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ethan is 7 months big!

Today marks the 7th month for lil Ethan who was born on May 13. Looking back, he has grown much, not only in terms of physical but also his motor and communication skills. These days he has learnt to demand; anything that fancies him he'll want to grab hold of it, and he'll complain if he doesn't get what he wants. He has also learnt to recognize people; resistant to letting strangers or whoever doesnt seem familiar to him to carry him. He has improved on his motor skills - his grab is pretty firm, and he can hold two different things with both hands, or pass one thing from one hand to the other. He's also able to sit on his own for some moment. His communication skills are also getting better - when we ask him something, he'll answer in his universal tone 'HUH'.

So this is Ethan, our darling boy..

Ethan playing his tambourine

Ethan with his tambourine and teething toy

Ethan sitting with 'tauke' style

1 comment:

怪咖 Jackson W. said...

Handsome boy ya..tauke ethan.

should bring him to join our next gathering.. let our spirit continue.. haha..

also, found out another ethan in check this out.