Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm born today!

Hello everybody,

I'm born today..into the world of bloggers! Hmm, actually the main reason for my starting up this blog is to prepare for the coming of my lil' prince, baby Ethan. Intend to blog about his journey as a baby, my journey as a mummy, Len's journey as a daddy, and yeah, 3 of us as a family :)

Baby Ethan is due on 8th May, today marks the beginning of his 36th week. Praise God for a smooth pregnancy thus far, baby weighed 2.2kg in week 34, and I'll be going for my next check-up once I get back to Sibu this Sunday.

What is happening in week 36 of the pregnancy :

Up to this point your baby has been floating freely. At any time now he will sink down into your pelvis. This is called "lightening" or "dropping". You may hear your care provider refer to it by saying that your baby is now 'engaged.' You may notice yourself when this happens because it will suddenly become much easier for you to breathe.
If your baby has dropped you may find yourself visiting the bathroom as often as every 45 minutes since she is resting right on top of your bladder again.
Some care providers will want to do vaginal exams every week for the last few weeks to keep an eye on the condition of your cervix. She will be checking to see whether the cervix has begun to move forward from a posterior (back) to an anterior (front) position, whether it has begun to efface (grow thinner), or whether it has begun to dilate (open). It is entirely up to you whether or not or how many vaginal checks you want to have. Some women like to have as much information as possible, others like to let things happen more naturally.
Your uterus has grown to 1,000 times its nonpregnant volume.
*I guess my baby's head isn't engaged yet because I still feel his frequent kicks, and sometimes I find it difficult to breathe, especially after climbing stairs/bridge or in crowded areas. Hopefully his head will engage in the next 1-2 weeks.

Your baby's little knees and elbows are developing dimples now.
If you are carrying twins you will be interested to know that according to the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC) the average twin birth occurs between 36 and 37 weeks and the babies weigh an average of 5 pounds apiece.
The majority of babies are now in the position, either head down (vertex) or butt down (breech), that they will maintain until birth. Any movements that they make are more likely to be rolls from side to side.
*Baby Ethan's position has been head down since week 32, so there's chance to go for natural birth. PTL! Crossing my fingers now, praying that God will bless me with an easy labour (as natural as it can be)

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